For the past two weeks we have been focusing on fractions! We have reviewed different representations for fractions - the area, set and number line models. Students have connected a picture fraction to words and symbols. We strongly emphasis that a fraction represents equal parts (area, set, or a length) of a whole. We brought relevance to fractions by solving everyday problems using our models to help us determine a solution. We planned meaningful differentiated, interactive fraction activities that extended and deepened students understanding!
Fraction Mosaics
Jackson and Ben are explaining their thinking about a fraction mosaic. This rigorous activity required that students design a mosaic that matched the fraction description on their task card. Students have to have a strong understanding of the relationship between fractions and division. They had to determine what whole set number is divisible by the fractional parts noted on their card. For example: "Build a design that is one-third red and one-eighth blue."
Jackson and Ben are explaining their thinking about a fraction mosaic. This rigorous activity required that students design a mosaic that matched the fraction description on their task card. Students have to have a strong understanding of the relationship between fractions and division. They had to determine what whole set number is divisible by the fractional parts noted on their card. For example: "Build a design that is one-third red and one-eighth blue."
Fraction War
A mathematical take on a classic game of war! Students have to determine whose fraction is greater. They have to have a strong understanding of the relationship between the numerator and denominator as well as equivalent and improper fractions. In this video Audrey and Shashwat are justifying which card is the greatest.
A mathematical take on a classic game of war! Students have to determine whose fraction is greater. They have to have a strong understanding of the relationship between the numerator and denominator as well as equivalent and improper fractions. In this video Audrey and Shashwat are justifying which card is the greatest.
Election Party Fractions
This project required that students apply their knowledge of fractions to build the correct pizzas and partition brownies for a party they were hosting. Students conducted a survey, partitioned their pizzas correctly based on the toppings requested, and identified the various fractions (including equivalent fractions), totaling one whole. They determined how to share eight brownies equally among ten guest ensuring each person had a fair share. They created products displaying their findings ranging from play-dough pizzas to posters to Google slide shows!
This project required that students apply their knowledge of fractions to build the correct pizzas and partition brownies for a party they were hosting. Students conducted a survey, partitioned their pizzas correctly based on the toppings requested, and identified the various fractions (including equivalent fractions), totaling one whole. They determined how to share eight brownies equally among ten guest ensuring each person had a fair share. They created products displaying their findings ranging from play-dough pizzas to posters to Google slide shows!
Fraction Task Cards
Katherine is solving a fraction task card word problem. She draws a model to help her compare two-thirds and two-sixths.
Katherine is solving a fraction task card word problem. She draws a model to help her compare two-thirds and two-sixths.
Fractions in the "Real World"
Students asked mom and dad how they use fractions in the "real world" and contributed ideas to our poster. This helped students understand the relevancy of studying fractions.
Critical Writing
Teaching first graders all about fractions! Students write daily in math class too! Writing across content areas strengthens our critical thinking skills. Students analyze problems and explain and justify their thinking using mathematical language and vocabulary.
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