Thursday, January 12, 2017

We Have Chromebooks, Now What?

It's no new news that Elementary students across the district were granted with an impeccable piece of technology this year, Dell Chromebooks!  Now the question is, what are these young learners utilizing this tool for?  What possibilities do Chromebook open for our classrooms?

Use of Email

Every student in Northwest ISD is given an email address,  Not only does this allow students to be exposed to the email process, but this allows a different type of communication with students and teachers. Teachers may email their students assignments, feedback, concerns, you name it.  Since our district is powered with Google, students may access their email from any device.

Google Classroom

Northwest ISD also purchased Google Classroom, a blended learning platform for schools that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. Students may not only post their assignments or comments, but easily give feedback to others. We are so excited about what this source!

See how Kaylan feels about using Google Classroom.

Google Drive

Google Drive has become a popular tool for users to store files, similar to a "cloud".  Students are able to access their files anywhere they are able to login to their google account. Not only are students able to access their files, but easily share with others.

See Dillon share how we have been using Google Drive in our classroom.

Google Apps

Google not only offers Drive, but Slides, Docs, Forms, and much more.  Students no longer need to rely on Microsoft Office or Word, then save to their computer, then upload!  The use of Google Apps puts students' work right in their Drive, so they may access it when needed.  All Apps save live, so students do not need to worry about lost work or changes to their product.

This week, students have merely scratched the surface of the possibilities Chromebooks bring for students in the classroom. We are so excited to see how teachers and students, can learn more ways to utilize our amazing new learning tool, Chromebooks!

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